Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bibliography - Some Proposals for a Christian Response to Poverty Essay Series

I am beginning a new series of seven essays tomorrow.  These essays will consider the church’s historical and theological response to poverty and intend to make five proposals to the church regarding its response to poverty.  The schedule for this series will be one essay every second Friday. 

November 18 – Introduction

December 2 – Proposal # 1: A Christian understanding to poverty acknowledges that the church must respond to poverty.

December 16 – Proposal # 2: A Christian response to poverty must include meeting immediate needs via almsgiving.

December 30 – Proposal # 3: Development work by the church must be alongside the oppressed to create transformative justice. 

January 13 – Proposal #4: The church’s response to poverty is in the context of worship and evangelism.  This response is the whole of neither, however.

January 27 – Proposal #5: When the church takes action to address poverty, it must act within its God-ordained in society.

February 10 – Concluding Thoughts

These essays are a modified version of my final project for earning my degree at Regent College, which was submitted to Dr. Craig Gay.  The most significant change is the elimination of the literature review (a series of 14 book reviews).  I also made some adjustments that affect readability, the length, the change of medium, and the change of intended audience.  There are a few changes of content that reflect my evolving opinion.  The bibliography for this series is listed below.  Due to the increased size of this bibliography and greater complexity of this series of essays versus previous essays on this blog, I will be utilizing a more formalized referencing system throughout the series.  The references will direct you to the books and articles listed below.


Biéler, André.  Calvin's Economic and Social Thought.  Geneva: WCC Publications, World Council of Churches, 2005.

Blomberg, Craig L.  Neither Poverty nor Riches.  Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1999.

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich.  Ethics, trans. Neville Horton Smith.  New York: Touchstone, 1955.
Bosch, David J. “Toward Evangelism in Context.”  In The Church in Response to Human Need, Ed. Vinay Samuel and Christopher Sugden, 180-192.  Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1987.

Bragg, Wayne G. “From Development to Transformation,” In The Church in Response to
Human Need, Ed. Vinay Samuel and Christopher Sugden, 20-51.  Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1987.

Brändle, Rudolf.  “This Sweetest Passage: Matthew 25:31-46 and Assistance to the Poor in the Homilies of John Chrysostom.” In Wealth and Poverty in the Early Church and Society.  Ed. Susan R. Holman, 127-139.  Grand Rapids: Baker Academinc, 2008.

Buell, Denise Kimber.  “‘Be not the one who stretches out hands to receive but shuts them when it comes to giving’: Envisioning Christian Chairity When Both Donors and Recipients are Poor.”  In Wealth and Poverty in the Early Church and Society.  Ed. Susan R. Holman, 127-139.  Grand Rapids: Baker Academinc, 2008.

Brändle, Rudolf.  “This Sweetest Passage: Matthew 25:31-46 and Assistance to the Poor in the Homilies of John Chrysostom.” In Wealth and Poverty in the Early Church and Society.  Ed. Susan R. Holman, 127-139.  Grand Rapids: Baker Academinc, 2008.

Cardman, Francine.  "Poverty and Wealth as Theater: John Chrysostom's Homilies on Lazarus and the Rich Man."  In Wealth and Poverty in the Early Church and Society.  Ed. Susan R. Holman, 159 - 175.  Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008.

Constantelos, Demetrios J.  “The Hellenic Background and Nature of Patristic Philanthropy in
the Early Byzantine Era.” In Wealth and Poverty in the Early Church and Society.  Ed. Susan R. Holman, 187-208.  Grand Rapids: Baker Academinc, 2008.

Friesen, Steven J. “Injustice or God’s Will?  Early Christian Explanations of Poverty.” In Wealth and Poverty in the Early Church and Society.  Ed. Susan R. Holman, 17-36.  Grand Rapids: Baker Academinc, 2008.

Gay, Craig M. Cash Values: Money and the Erosion of Meaning in Today’s Society.  Grand  Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003.

Gonzalez, Justo L.  Faith and Wealth: A History of Early Christian Ideas on the Origin,
Significance, and Use of Money.  San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1990.

Gutierrez, Gustavo.  A Theology of Liberation.  15th Anniversary Ed. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1973.
Hasselhoff, Görge K. “James 2:2-7 in Early Christian Thought.” In Wealth and Poverty in the
Early Church and Society.  Ed. Susan R. Holman, 48-55.  Grand Rapids: Baker Academinc, 2008.

Haugen, Gary A.  Good News About Injustice.  Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1999.

Hill, Mark.  "Church-State Relations and Social Welfare in Europe: A Case Study of the UK." 
The Review of Faith & International Affairs 7, no. 3 (Fall 2009): 27 - 31.

Hollinger, Dennis P.  Choosing the Good.  Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2002.
Holman, Susan R.  Wealth and Poverty in Early Church and Society.  Gran Rapids: Baker
Academic, 2008.

Hughes, Dewi.  Power and Poverty: Divine and Human Rule in a World of Need.  Downers
Grove: IVP Academic, 2008.

Jeune, Chavannes.  “Justice, Freedom, and Social Transformation.”  In The Church in Response to Human Need. Ed. Vinay Samuel and Christopher Sugden, 218-225.  Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1987.

Johnson, Luke T.  Sharing Possessions: Mandate and Symbol of Faith.  Philadelphia: Fortress, 1981.

Jones, Larry B.  "'Prophetic' NGO-Government Relationships: What Would Daniel Do?"  The
Review of Faith  International Affairs 3, no. 2 (Fall 2005): 31 - 35.

King Jr., Rev. Martin Luther.  "Conscience and the Vietnam War." In The Lost Massey Lectures, ed. CBC Massey Lecture Series, 177 - 187.  Scarborough: House of Anansi Press, 2007.

Mayer, Wendy. “Poverty and Generosity Toward the Poor in the time of john Chrysostom.”  In Wealth and Poverty in the Early Church and Society.  Ed. Susan R. Holman, 140-158.  Grand Rapids: Baker Academinc, 2008.

Moffitt, Robert. “The Local Church and Development.” In The Church in Response to Human
Need, Ed. Vinay Samuel and Christopher Sugden, 234-253.  Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1987.

Niebuhr, Reinhold.  "Christian Faith and Natural Law."  In Love and Justice, ed. D. B.            Robertson, 46 - 54.  Cleveland: Meridian Books, 1957.

Samuel, Vinay and Chris Sugden. “God’s Intention for the World.” In The Church in Response to Human Need, Ed. Vinay Samuel and Christopher Sugden, 128-160.  Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1987.

________________________.  The Church in Response to Human Need.  Grand Rapids:
William B. Eerdmans, 1987.

Sider, Ronald J.  Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: Moving from Affluence to Generosity. 
New ed.  Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2005.

____________.  The Scandal of Evangelical Politics.  Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2008.

Siecienski, A. Edward. “Gilding the Lily: A Patristic Defense of Liturgical Splendor.” In Wealth
and Poverty in the Early Church and Society.  Ed. Susan R. Holman, 211-220.  Grand Rapids: Baker Academinc, 2008.

Sinclair, Maurice. “Development and Eschatology.” In The Church in Response to Human Need, Ed. Vinay Samuel and Christopher Sugden, 161-174.  Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1987.

Sine, Tom. “Development: Its Secular Past and Its Uncertain Future.” In The Church in
Response to Human Need, Ed. Vinay Samuel and Christopher Sugden, 1-19.  Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1987.

Stackhouse Jr., John G.  Making the Best of It.  New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Stassen, Glen H. and David P. Gushee.  Kingdom Ethics.  Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 2003.

Stott, John, Roy McCloughry and John Wyatt.  Issues Facing Christians Today.  Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006.

Talyor, Michael.  Christianity, Poverty and Wealth.  London: Society for Promoting Christian
Knowledge, 2003.

Teresa, Mother.  My Life for the Poor.  New York: Harper and Row, 1985.

Tienou, Tite.  “Evangelism and Social Transformation.” In The Church in Response to
Human Need, Ed. Vinay Samuel and Christopher Sugden, 175-179.  Eugene: Wipf and
Stock Publishers, 1987.

van den Hoek, Annewies.  “Widening the Eye of the Need: Wealth and Poverty in the Works of Clement of Alexandria.” In Wealth and Poverty in the Early Church and Society.  Ed. Susan R. Holman, 67-75.  Grand Rapids: Baker Academinc, 2008.

van die, Marguerite.  "Introduction." In Religion and Public Life in Canada, ed. Marguerite Van Die, 3 - 19.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001.
Wesley, John.  "Causes of the Inefficacy of Christianity."  In The Works of John Wesley:
Sermons, Volume 2, ed. John Emory,  435 - 441.  New York: Eaton & Mains, 1904.
Wilberforce, William.  Christianity and the Good Society, ed. Kevin Belmonte.  Boston: River
Oak Press, 1999.

Wink, Walter.  Engaging the Powers: Discernment and Resistance in a World of Domination. 
Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1992.
Wolterstorff, Nicholas.  Until Justice and Peace Embrace.  Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1983.

Wright, N. T.  Evil and the Justice of God.  Downers Grover: InterVarsity Press, 2006.

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